What Is Gematria?
Gematria is a system where Hebrew letters, Hebrew words, or text in the Hebrew language are assigned numbers or values from simple calculations. It is commonly used in Jewish culture and Kabbalistic literature to understand text, particularly within the Torah, on a deeper and more spiritual level. This practice holds significant importance among Jewish people, as it is deeply rooted in their traditions and Hebrew numerology beliefs. Some believe that gematria methods can reveal hidden meanings that relate to current events, influencing interpretations of both historical and contemporary events.
What Is the Gematria Code?
Gematria Code is a website which allows you to find the gematria value of a given text. It allows you to find the gematria value according to different systems including the transliterated Hebrew, Hebrew gematria, ALW system, and English gematria. In each case, all letters in the associated alphabet are represented by numbers (for example, Aleph = 1, Bet = 2, etc. in the Hebrew alphabet.) Similar variations have been used in the Greek isopsephy, and Arabic Abjad numerals.
How Does the Gematria Calculator Work
Our gematria calculator is an easy-to-use online tool that calculates the gematria value of a word or text by the summation of numerical assignments for each letter according to the system chosen by the user. It provides several methods for gematria calculation:
- Transliterated Hebrew: English letters are assigned gematria values by aligning them with their Hebrew equivalents. Because multiple transliteration systems exist, some English letters are mapped to different Hebrew letters (and thus carry different values). In our system, C corresponds to Chet (ח, value 8) and X to Samech (ס, value 60). Unlike other online gematria calculators, our transliterated Hebrew method also accounts for digraphs like Ch, Sh, Th, and Ts.
- Hebrew: Traditional Hebrew gematria (Mispar hechrachi) where each Hebrew letter (22 letters) has a specific numerical value (Aleph (א) = 1, Bet (ב) = 2, etc). If you're serious about gematria, this is the standard method to study. Final letters (ך, ם, ן, ף, ץ) retain the same values as their regular forms.
- ALW Cipher: New Aeon English Qabalah which is a system of Hermetic Qabalah, created by James Lees in 1976, uses the sequence A=1, L=2, W=3, etc.
Why You Should Use the Gematria Calculator
While gematria is not a scientifically proven method, and its interpretations are subjective and based on tradition and mysticism, for those who practice Jewish mysticism and Kabbalah, gematria can be a powerful tool for gaining insight and understanding of Sefer Yetzirah or any other texts.
This tool is mostly used by those who believe that a hidden spiritual meaning can be derived from content in various religious texts, and can come to a deeper understanding as to how different Hebrew words, phrases, or verses are related to one another.
Depending on how the Bible (or some other religious text) is interpreted, many believe that if a Hebrew word's numerical value equals that of another Hebrew word, they might draw a spiritual connection between the two words, and with these connections, they can draw a conclusion as to how two verses relate to one another.